MobileSubstrate & The Infamous SpringBoard Crashes

Many of us enjoy the tremendous realm of jail-broken iPhones, but sometimes a stray tweak or app can wreak havoc on your iPhone or iPad sending it into the above infamous screen.
So what should you do without resorting to the restore which might leave you with no jailbreak for a while ;) ??

Alot of jailbreakers tend to think that it's the MobileSubstrate is what caused this error while as it appears above it's the one that actually protects from it's dilema.
MobileSubstrate is simply the backbone of the jailbreak process, it's the framework that developers use to hook in their tweaks or extensions you install from Cydia.
Usually people tend to restart and get out of safe mode without trying to fix it or even troubleshoot it, leading to further crashes of SpringBoard.
How to troubleshoot it??
The Creator of Cydia Saurik advised in a recent update that he added a really nice option to help with trouble shooting in below photo.

Also  "To support devices that don't have a volume up button (First generation iPod Touch), you can
alternatively hold down the "Clicker" (Not volume up) button on your headset or earphones."

You will be able to use this disable feature provided that you are probably with the latest version of MobileSubstrate or higher than 0.9.3997.

So simply reboot your iPhone or iPad ( or whatever iDevice) either by Holding down the Home & Power button simultaneously or from SBSettings by choosing Power Options, then Reboot.

Once the Apple Logo appears, press down the Volume Up button, and you will be in Safe Mode where all your extensions and tweaks are off.
So know you can browse through Cydia safely with no hassle and remove the last installed package that caused the issue unless you don't know it, so you gotta have to resort to trial and error by removing suspected installations, rebooting until it's fixed.
Pretty daunting but worth a try.



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