The iPhone 5 Vs Galaxy S III

No one can deny that it's pretty devastating for Apple fans to find that the long waited device is not the biggest thing to happen to iPhone since iPhone.
So how do you think it will stand up in the wild??
Will it be on the top of the food chain or what ??
Let's check it in a head to head match vs the best around now in Android .............
The Infamous Samsung Galaxy S III.

Talking about size, size does matters.
The S III is larger than the iPhone 5's 4.0'' Retina display and slightly heavier, with its heavenly 4.8'' Super AMOLED display though alittle lower on ppi than the iPhone 5, but no big deal.
 Despite the size, Samsung’s designmakes it perfect for the first time in their history, makes you feelcomfortable and familiar with the very first grip.

When it comes to speed, with theblazing fast Snapdragon 1.5 GHz dual-core processor (I ruled out the 1.4 GHZ Quad-core version to be fair) along with the 2GB RAMlurking in the S III, I think it will be quite a challenge for the iPhone 5’snew 1.2 GHz A6 Chip that should be a top notch.

Another killer option in the S III isthe expandable memory,
A thing Apple seems to ignore as ifit’s a plague!
The S III can be a cost efficientdevice, if you buy the lowest storage device & go crazy with a popped inmicroSD to expand the memory to 32 GB or 64 GB, which is really becoming crucialthese days.

Battery drain is a really silly problemthat most smart phones suffer from these days, The S III excels here with a NObuilt-in battery like the iPhone’s, Just a removable battery that you canreplace or keep one in your pocket as a back up, to overcome this problem,especially the kraken called LTE.

In Camera Clash, they are identical,8MP, Video up to 1080P, but I think the S III is better somehow ! Just a gut feeling ! (The Galaxy Note & S 3 did a great job against current iPhones).
The front facing camera is 0.60 MPhigher than the iPhone’s 1.3 MP, though Apple managed to squeeze an 8 MP in thenew iPod touch front, yet they dropped the iPhone 5 from their list !!!! 

As for the operating system, it’s nobrainer that Apple will play safe in her locked ecosystem but improved (iOS 6),while Samsung will depend on the only ace up her sleeve right now (AndroidICS).

For Price, money talks and says thatyou can buy the S III from a carrier starting from USD 119.99 ! aroundUSD 80 less than the entry level iPhone, which is a real deal.

Other features you’ll get on the GalaxyS III that you will miss on the iPhone 5 includes “but not limited to”: NFC & wireless charging.

Check below for a quick comparison

So it's crystal clear that StevelessApple might be disturbed, unless the loyal Apple fanboys got a thing to saysales wise.




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